The LoadTraxx mobile App and back-office suite have an array of features tailored to dump truck operations. These features streamline data collection in the cab of the dump truck for billing and payroll requirements, while also generating detailed reports and ensuring adherence to industry regulations.
LoadTraxx helps you manage your in-house trucks and their workloads.
- Send dispatches to drivers
- See status of dispatches
- Schedule future dispatches
(This is not a load board service.)

Mobile App
Generationally friendly, easy-to-use mobile app that can be downloaded on any device.
- Receive real-time and scheduled dispatches
- Capture ticket images
- Eliminates paper from the cab
- Not plugged into the truck
- Offline capable- data synced when service restored
LoadTraxx eliminates the need for entering load data in the office. As the driver enters data into the app it is automatically saved in your back-office suite.
- Data available in real-time
- Calculates Prevailing wage
- Export directly to Excel
- Easily transferable to any accounting software

With the amount of data LoadTraxx compiles, we are able to create individualized reports that are catered to your company. Whatever you need, the data is there.
- Driver specific reports
- Customer/Job reports
- Site reports
- Customized reports
All the reports that are needed to ensure your company is running efficiently and in compliance. (Short Haul requirements/not an ELD service)
- IFTA reports
- Fuel reports
- Mileage reports (axle configuration included)
- In-app Hours of Service (HoS) reports
- Off-road & out-of-state mileage tracking

This is a nice list of features, but how is your business actually going to use LoadTraxx? How will you integrate this tool into your current daily process? Let’s answer these questions under “Office Integration” so you can better grasp the technology and how it will enhance operational efficiency.
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