Move Material Smarter

Eliminate paper tickets, and so much more.

Our technology enhances dump truck operations by tooling drivers with an intuitive app that in turn powers the extensive data set in our office software, providing insight into your trucking operation like never before.

LoadTraxx App

Wondering how drivers will respond to using an app to submit their daily loads on time? We spent time in the cab of dump trucks with drivers so we could create the most driver-friendly app possible. With big buttons and clear actions, drivers will never want to return to paper!

LoadTraxx Mobile App Features in Dump Truck Cab
LoadTraxx showing Dump Truck Software

Back-Office Suite

Getting the correct data as quickly and easily as possible is always best practice. This application allows users to do just that. Not only can you stay current on billing and payroll, you will also be able to compare shifts, jobs, and more to have improved decision-making abilities.

Improving your everyday tasks with

Streamline your logistics with our integrated solution. Seamlessly dispatch loads from our back-office suite, enabling drivers to track information digitally from the cab. Gain access to comprehensive load data in real-time, empowering you to analyze job and operator performance over time. Plus, effortlessly retrieve compliance data whenever necessary, ensuring efficiency at every step.


Mobile App






Providing Paper Free Load
Tracking Throughout the U.S.

What our clients say:

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